How to Catch a Gopher - Redux


Spring is here, and Mother Nature is gifting us with her bounty: Our artichokes, strawberries and blueberries are all making an appearance. Unfortunately, so are the gophers. Mother Nature does not discriminate. Anyone with a piece of unprotected dirt is going to be visited by these guys. I was discussing gopher trapping with a friend recently when suddenly I'd realized drawn a small crowd asking questions about how it's done and what to do with a catch. After some explanation, I referred them to the wonderful video we posted last year, edited by our talented grandson, Simon. So, for our loyal followers, we bring back Gantz Family Vineyards' "How to Catch a Gopher!"


As well as being the bookkeeper, gardener and co-owner of Gantz Family Vineyards, Celeste Gantz has taken on the job of being the vineyard's gopher hunter. Here -- with help from her trusty sidekick, Jake -- she gives hints on how to identify, trap and dispose of the little buggers.

Thanks to Simon Lundquist, our 12-year-old grandson, for putting together this video for us as well as writing the theme song.